
Sage Snowflake Merry Christmas

Cuttlebugged, glittered... what more could you want?! Also made at stamping party
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1 comment:

Janelle said...

WOW! I LOVE this card!!! I am so into snowflakes! This one is beautiful!

Sorry I've not been leaving comments! Blogging has kind of been put on a back burner for a while. I always think it will get better, but still waiting for time to slow down a bit. Not sure when and if that will ever happen! Anyway, you've been inspiring me with all your adorable Christmas cards and have been itching to sit down and start on my Christmas cards! The thought of getting them done before December is a wonderful one, but again, have yet to sit down and do anything! Keep them coming and maybe I'll just have to make some time somewhere! Thanks for posting all your fun things you're making!