
Tron's Precious Moments Boy

This is terrible picture quality, I know. I took this about 5 years ago with a not-so-good 35mm camera, and obviously, I didn't get the focus right. On top of that, I scanned in the photo! However, you should get an idea of what this was like! (Much better IRL!) This is almost identical to Tynan's, except for the details of statistics, as well as a few minor color changes.
Again, here is the pattern and what the picture is supposed to look like:

1 comment:

Angie said...

I love all your cross stitching. I used to enjoy doing that but had to give it up when my oldest was a baby. Maybe I'll pick it up again someday.
Yes I graduated from MBBC. Daniel and I were never students at the same time. He was in the area working and we met at Calvary. I only went for two years and Graduated with an AA. Then after we were married for over a year we moved up north to work at the Boys Home. So that is our story. It is funny that we both were in the same areas but never met each other. Or may have but don't recall it.